What We Do

We Guide Individuals, Communities & Institutions


Using data-driven inquiry, we illustrate your stories, illuminate your goals and aspirations and document your results.


We walk along to guide you toward just, equitable and merciful choices that promote collective thriving.


We design tools and approaches to help you discern wise paths forward with fidelity to your principles.

Our Approach

Learning & Exploration

 “Whenever the eye of insight is opened the reality of meanings is understood”   


We strive to create meaningful results that bring your efforts to life in ways that are actionable;  and consistent with the culture.

Culturally Responsive & Liberatory Lenses

"Do not look at where you fell, but where you slipped"  Proverb from Sierra Leone and other African regions

We lean into the learning edge to prioritize the needs of communities facing systemic oppression and marginalization, using the same techniques and approaches to make sure each time we walk with you, we are telling your story and not fitting your experience into that of others.  

We are learning to more adeptly uplift liberatory principles, not just to free the people from oppression, but to free all minds from limits

Driven by Inquiry 

"Once you ask questions you cannot avoid the answers" - Proverb from Cameroon

Our approach to evaluation is guided by genuine curiosity.  We help you identify your most pressing questions.  Relevant answers are sourced with appropriate methods. Your purpose drives our design—quantitative and qualitative approaches bear equal weight, in that they both serve to illuminate answers to critical questions.  

Our commitment:  using the highest quality  information tools and services and applying them with wisdom and purpose.  

Learning through Virtues

TGCS leverages the Five Strategies of the Virtues Project (tm) to supercharge our inquiry and learning practices, as a naturally affirmative method that adapts to other approaches like Appreciative Inquiry.  The strategies inform and improve our communications, building understanding and inspiring use.  The result? Virtues Evaluation -- our signature practice of helping individuals, communities and institutions move beyond values to practices that align with what it takes to uphold values and work in alignment with highest purpose.

We've been supporting clients to identify, operationalize practice and measure their virtues, or core principles, for over 20 years. We also use the virtues language to enhance our communications of findings and recommendations, augment our approach to organizational and professional development and manage our internal growth and self-reflection as a team.   

And we also provide Virtues Project training for individuals and teams.

Learn More About:

Using data-driven inquiry, we illustrate your stories, illuminate your goals and aspirations and document your results.

We walk along to guide you toward just, equitable and merciful choices that promote collective thriving.

Tools, Methods & Resources (Coming soon)

We design tools and approaches to help you discern wise paths forward with fidelity to your principles.